British cyclist Simon Yates banned for 4 months for failing drugs test.

Yates, 23, whose ban starts from the date of the test, will miss the Tour de France but can return on 11 July.
News of the failed test was revealed in April, with his team Orica-GreenEdge blaming an "administrative error" over the use of an asthma inhaler.

The team said they took "full responsibility for the mistake" and there was "no wrongdoing" by Yates.

Yates, who tested positive for terbutaline on the final stage of Paris-Nice on 12 March, said: "Ultimately the responsibility is on the athlete to know exactly what they are taking and what they are putting into their bodies.

"Unfortunately as a result of an honest mistake of my team doctor, whom I trusted wholeheartedly, there will now be a doubt cast over my name, my previous results and any future glories."

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British cyclist Simon Yates banned for 4 months for failing drugs test. British cyclist Simon Yates banned for 4 months for failing drugs test. Reviewed by jim on 17:21 Rating: 5

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