WhatsApp hits 100 million calls per day

In February, Facebook-owned WhatsApp announced it had reached one billion users worldwide, and this week, the company added another metric to demonstrate its ongoing traction and growth. According to a brief post on the company blog, WhatsApp claims that it’s now handling more than 100 million voice calls per day on its service.

This is equivalent to over 1,100 calls per second, the post adds, hinting that it will make calling better in the months to come. (The company was spotted testing video calling this spring.)

What’s notable also about this news is that voice calling is still a relatively new feature for WhatsApp. The company introduced the feature on Android in March 2015, then brought it to iOS the following month. At the time, WhatsApp had 800 million monthly active users and said it was handling more messages than there are global SMS texts sent each day.

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WhatsApp hits 100 million calls per day WhatsApp hits 100 million calls per day Reviewed by jim on 04:19 Rating: 5

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