Chris brown accused of organizing yacht beatdown

Chris Brown got pissed at a photog covering a celeb-filled event, and ordered his peeps to regulate ... according to the photographer who's now gone to the cops.

It all went down at a launch party on a private yacht last weekend in Fort Lauderdale. Michael Watts, the photog, claims he was taking pics of Chris and Warren Sapp when CB got pissed and began yelling obscenities.

According to the police report filed by Watts -- and obtained by TMZ -- Chris went ballistic during a shot with singer Tank, shouting ... "This ain't no press release, you're done!" Watts claims CB's enforcer then shoved him so hard, he spun around and cracked his $1,200 Canon lens against a wall.

The photographer says he left to avoid further confrontation. Chris flatly denies his guy hit anyone, or in his words ... "It's a lie, lie, lie, lie."

source-   TMZ

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Chris brown accused of organizing yacht beatdown Chris brown accused of organizing yacht beatdown Reviewed by jim on 15:20 Rating: 5

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