Niger Delta Avengers blows up another Chevron pipeline in Delta state today

The Niger Delta Avengers in the early hours of today the 26th of May, 2016 blew up the main pipeline that supplies gas and provide electricity to the Escravos tank farm owned by Chevron in Delta State.
This destruction of another pipeline came after a back drop of violation of their demands among which include that the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu should be released unconditionally and for all oil companies in the region including Chevron, to stop production and vacate the region.

It is no coincidence that the mayhem was unleashed just after yesterday's ruling by the appeal court, which denied Nnamdi Kanu bail. The Avengers warned against going contrary to all their demands, and from all indication it is suspected that the ruling by justice Aboki Abdul of the appeal court could have triggered the incidence.

There is currently an exacerbated increase of tension in Delta state as the two weeks ultimatum issued for all their demands to be met is almost near. It would be recalled that series of vandalization and explosions have been carried out already before the incidence of today.
See the past attack of these group recently here 

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Niger Delta Avengers blows up another Chevron pipeline in Delta state today Niger Delta Avengers blows up another Chevron pipeline in Delta state today Reviewed by jim on 08:42 Rating: 5

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