Teebillz is no more CDQ's manager

Teebillz has been in the public eye for a while now following the interview of tiwa savage and the drug test saga.

Remember that CDQ signed into teebillz's management sometime ago.

Well now,with the recent events and all...you know...

In a new interview with Hip TV, CDQ confirms that he has now parted ways with his manager Teebillz - when he could no longer reach him.

He said,

"About me and Teebillz, I mean, Me and Teebillz are still good. Still cool, we are family.. But I'm straight like that, I am real. I have not been able to talk to him for a very long time - since the incident that happened. I tried to message him but it wasn't going through and everything. So i had to move on with my life.. You know.
I mean, I've got ambition that I'm chasing, so for no reason would i allow anything to lock that down. I am a goal getter and I can't allow anything to slow me down. So that's it! Me and Teebillz are still cool, we are still family. Anytime we see, we would still holla, but at least, I'm a street guy, I have got to move, gotta move, gotta move. That is what matters the most. My career comes first before anything else."

When are we going to hear from teebillz?

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Teebillz is no more CDQ's manager Teebillz is no more CDQ's manager Reviewed by jim on 09:10 Rating: 5

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